Social Commitment

Since over 20 years, the owner of Prolog Projekte, Markus Jessberger, is active in pro bono volunteer work at a charity including ambulance services, transport of organs and first aid training. Therefore, it is particularly sensitive to social issues and supports selected activities.

Social commitment of Prolog Projekte:

Aid project “Feuerkinder”:

A 30-year old friendship with the emergency doctor and anaesthetist Dr. med. Heinz Giering stems from the time of the voluntary commitment. Together with his colleague Dr. med. Annemarie Schraml he founded the non-profit initiative “Feuerkinder Tansania”.

Since 2000, and with high personal commitment, they are travelling with other volunteers to Tanzania every year to locally help children who have been disfigured by burns. If you would like to learn more about their admirable work of this initiative, please find further information on their homepage at:

Please support the humanitarian projects of  ‚Feuerkinder‘ (Fire Children). They finance themselves exclusively from donations. In case you would do something really good with your money, please help the initiative “Feuerkinder Tansania”. Nearly 100 % of your donation arrives exactly where help is needed in Tanzania.

Stiftung Feuerkinder (account holder)

Sparkasse Fürth
BLZ: 762 500 00
Konto 249 136 516
IBAN: DE 31 7625 0000 0 249 136 516

For donation receipts please specify your exact address on the transfer!

Thank you very much!

Organ donation:

Within the framework of his volunteer work, Markus Jessberger was also active a long time in organ transport with the shuttle of transplant teams. Organ donation is lived charity! Even more frightening is that fewer and fewer organs are transplanted in Germany and thus daily many people die unnecessarily. According to Eurotransplant, the operator for all organs taken from deceased people for the purpose of transplantation in Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary, are about 1,000 per year!

The big deficiency becomes even more evident if one compares the number of new applications on the waiting list for transplantation for example for 2013 with the number of carried out transplants:

  • Kidney: 2580 new registrations, 2272 transplants. A total of around 8,000 people are on the waiting list for a kidney transplant.
  • Heart: 573 registrations, 313 heart transplants
  • Liver: 1305 registrations, 970 liver transplants
  • Lung: 439 registrations, 371 transplants

(Source: Eurotransplant)

This issue concerns all of us. Please don´t forget that already tomorrow you or one of your family members could depend on a donor organ. Go beyond personal borders and become an organ donor today.

For more information about this important topic, visit the homepage of Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation (the German Foundation for organ transplant), call the information hotline on 0800 90 40 400 or visit the homepage of Eurotransplant. Here you can download a donor card: Download of an organ donation card.